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Monday 8 May 2017

Fibroids Treatments In Hyderabad

Fibroids Treatments In Hyderabad

These Fibroid have been a most common for many women. Definitely, the fibroid will interfere the conception in most of the women. Fibroids are abnormal growth seen inside woman’s uterus.

We at Ferty9 Hospital carefully examine and evaluate the severity of fibroid in females. Depending on grade and type of fibroid the apt treatment is planned. With simple investigation and treatment of fibroid, the chances of conception may increase. Symptoms of fibroid may vary in many women. Surgical removal of fibroid through laparoscopy or hysteroscopy can benefit the patient for conception and also continue successful pregnancy. We provide complete treatment of fibroid and infertility related to the needy couple at our Ferty 9 Hospital to have a successful pregnancy.

Laparoscopy gynecology surgeries In Hyderabad

 Laparoscopy gynecology surgeries In Hyderabad

We provide both Diagnostic Laparoscopy and Operative Laparoscopy at our Ferty9 Hospital and Research Center [FHRC].


Laparoscopy is useful in detecting abnormalities present in the uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries. Laparoscopy is a surgical procedure. In this procedure, a small telescope-like instrument is inserted through a small cut near abdomen/navel to visualize the pelvic and internal organs inside abdomen, uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries. Through Diagnostic Laparoscopy we can investigate endometriosis, uterine adhesions, scars, gall bladder, appendix, liver. Most of the clinics show priority towards Hysteroscopy in overviewing infertility among women.

Male Infertility Treatments In Hyderabad

Male Infertility Treatments In Hyderabad

Many men with young age 25 – 30 years are facing infertility problem. Male infertility is alone responsible about  35 – 40 % couples. Work wise stress, lifestyle changes is impairing many men to achieve parenthood. The main reason for male infertility is compromising semen parameters.  Once couple walks to our hospital we will take  brief account of their previous reproductive  history, sexual history,  medical history  preliminary investigations are advised.

Male Infertility

Physical examination of male including scrotal scan
Sperm function tests
Sperm DNA Fragmentation Index Test
Genetic testing: Karyotyping & chromosomal abnormality in sperm
Acrosome Intact test
Zona Binding Assay
After careful investigations and discussion with our doctor’s panel, the right line of treatment is planned.

These Include:

Hormone Evaluations: Follicular Stimulating Hormone [ FSH]
Luteinizing Hormone [ LH]
Testosterone & Prolactin
Semen Analysis ideally with 3 – 5 days abstinence. Usually, through semen analysis results we can complete evaluating the problem if present any in males. Semen analysis consists of 2 main parts macroscopic examination & microscopic examination. We strictly follow WHO manual (5th edition).

Hormonal Evaluations In Hyderabad

Hormonal Evaluations In Hyderabad

Hormonal Evaluations: Hectic lifestyle, stress may cause a disturbance in the biological clock in many women. Mostly during menopause hormone imbalance is seen. But nowadays it has been quite common to come across among 25 years women also. Women may experience weight gain, PCOS (POLYCYSTIC OVARIAN SYNDROME), fatigue, sleeplessness, thyroid problems.

Through basic hormone tests like:

Hormonal Evaluations

Follicular Stimulating Hormone [ FSH ] – Done on Day 2/ 3  of  menses
Luteinizing Hormone [ LH ] – Day 2/3 of menses
Estradiol [ E2] – done on Day 2/3 of menses
Thyroid profile
Other necessary blood work screening
Anti-Mullerian Hormone test  [ is a hormone produced by granulosa cells. To check quantity of eggs]
Antral follicle Count – done on Day 2 of menses through a pelvic ultrasound scan. enables to count small growing follicles called Antral Follicle Count. Indicates to check the ovarian Reserve in women.

These preliminary investigations can completely help to assess the difficulty conceiving for most of the sub-fertile women. Based on the results of all the investigations the right line of treatment is prepared.

Ovarian Reserve Testing In Hyderabad

Ovarian Reserve Testing In Hyderabad

Ovarian Reserve Testing: “Ovarian Reserve” – the name itself tells reserve means storing. This test is done for measuring reproductive potential in women. It gives the number of ” Quantity & Quality” of eggs. Woman’s age is the important marker. The ideal way to analyze this through a blood test on day 2 / day3 of menses.

 Ovarian Reserve Testing

These Include:
  1. FSH [ Follicular Stimulating Hormone ],
  2. LH [ Lutenizing Hormone ]
  3. Estradiol [ E2]
  4. Inhibin.
  5. Anti-Mullerian Hormone
  6. Through ultrasound imaging Antral Follicle Count [ AFC ]
  7. 3D ultrasound and ovarian volume

The main purpose of Ovarian reserve test is to identify whether any individual with low ovarian reserve. High FSH value may indicate low ovarian reserve and vice versa. Women with advanced age will experience ovarian reserve decreases (quality and quantity of eggs).

Female Reproductive Surgeries

Female Reproductive Surgeries

We evaluate and treat disorders of the uterus and fallopian tubes in the female. These abnormalities include endometriosis, chocolate cysts, uterine abnormalities, ectopic pregnancy, scar tissue, fibroids, polyp and other tubal related problems. Through diagnosing the reason for infertility in women the treatment can be planned under expert gynecologists.

Diagnostic and Therapeutic Reproductive Surgery include:
Diagnostic & Operative Hysteroscopy
Diagnostic & Operative Laparoscopy
Endometrial Biopsy (Diagnostic procedure)
D & C Dilation & curettage (Diagnostic procedure)
All the treatments are short and comfortable to finish the same day. One can get back to their ordinary life in one or two days depending on the cure.

Female Reproductive Surgeries

Diagnostic Laparoscopy In Hyderabad:

We provide both Diagnostic Laparoscopy and Operative Laparoscopy at our Ferty9 Hospital and Research Center [FHRC].

Laparoscopy is useful in detecting abnormalities present in the uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries. Laparoscopy is a surgical procedure. In this procedure, a small telescope-like instrument is inserted through a small cut near abdomen/ navel to visualize the pelvic and internal organs inside abdomen, uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries. Through Diagnostic Laparoscopy we can investigate endometriosis, uterine adhesions, scars, gall bladder, appendix, liver. Most of the clinics show priority towards Hysteroscopy in overviewing infertility among women.

Generally, Operative laparoscopy is advised after a complete evaluation of detected problem like the removal of fibroids, adhesions, scar tissue, severe cases of endometriosis grade 3 or grade 4, tubal blockage removal, tubal ligation and ectopic pregnancies, gall bladder stones removal, appendectomy

Reproductive Surgeries For Infertility In Hyderabad

 Reproductive Surgeries For Infertility In Hyderabad

Reproductive Surgeries – We at Ferty9 hospital provide treatments for both male and female disorders in the eproductive system.

In few men after history taking and examination disorder can be analyzed in any part including scrotum, testicles, epididymis and ejaculatory ducts. Any of the above can hinder the chances of attaining parenthood.
 Reproductive Surgeries

Our treatment Options:
  1. Evaluation of Azoospermic men.
  2. Surgical retrieval of sperms through MESA / PESA method if there is blockage epididymis. The sperms retrieved through this method have further proceeded with ICSI procedure
  3. Surgical retrieval of sperms through TESA / TESE method, the retrieved sperms are further used for ICSI treatment.
  4. Treatment for varicose veins
  5. Hernia and also other problems related to blockage Vas deferens

Endometriosis Treatment & Surgeries In Hyderabad

Endometriosis Treatment & Surgeries In Hyderabad

Endometriosis is a most common problem in women, It is defined that usually it is found in the lower abdomen or pelvis and appear anywhere in the body.  Mainly women with it often have pain with periods, lower abdominal pain or pain even with sexual intercourse. Even it may report hard time to conceive as a pregnant and normally it responds to the sex hormones progesterone and estrogen.


We offer Endometriosis Infertility Treatments which is generally divided into surgical or medical therapies. As medical treatment includes hormonal alterations while surgical treatments point to remove or destroy it are deposited as possible. Our ferty9 hospital examined carefully to overcome the problem faced by the women in a pregnancy success.

Causes of endometriosis
It can be caused due to genetics and the immune system, retrograde menstruation it occurs in almost all women, but only 3 to 10% of menstruating women develop endometriosis. The spread of endometrial tissue in the lymphatic and blood, or the ability of cells in the pelvic cavity as to develop into endometrial tissue. Our 25 yrs expert doctors will give the best treatment and suggestions to cure your problem based on which is caused by endometrial cells transport, Transformation of peritoneal cells, embryonic cell transformation, surgical scar implantation.

Uterine Evaluation For Infertility In Hyderabad

Uterine Evaluation For Infertility In Hyderabad

Pelvic scan / Trans Vaginal Scan [TVS] – Generally done on day 2 or day 3 of menses. Usually done to evaluate the problems in ovaries like an ovarian cyst, chocolate cyst / ovarian endometrioma. These may affect the fertility levels in many women. In addition to hormone tests the complete examination of the uterus, ovaries is very necessary.  Through pelvic scan [TVS], Sonohysterogram,  hysterosalpingogram and endometrial biopsy the exact cause of infertility can be analyzed.
Sonohysterogram – Done to evaluate certain problems present inside the uterus and endometrial region. Fibroids / polyps, abnormal uterine shape, uterine scarring can be analyzed. Normal saline fluid is injected into the uterus and through ultrasound scan, the exact diagnosis of uterine cavity can be detected.

Uterine Evaluation

Hysterosalpingogram [HSG] – This test is done by passing dye through the fallopian tubes and using x-ray the tubal patency can be analyzed. Generally done on day 2 of menses.
Uterine cavity Assessment – Many subfertile women tend to have implantation problems. This uterine cavity analyzing can detect many abnormalities present inside the uterus for sub-fertile women. Through Trans Vaginal scan the endometrial lining and cavity can be seen visually. Usually done as a screening test for assessing uterine cavity. If any abnormalities seen on baseline scan need to be further analyzed with Sonohysterogram and hysteroscopy.

Female Infertility Treatments In Hyderabad

Female Infertility Treatments In Hyderabad

Female Infertility: Couples unable to conceive after 12 months of contraceptive-free intercourse if the female is under the age of 34, or if the couple hasn’t conceived after six months of contraceptive-free intercourse if the female is over the age of 35, should get themselves checked.
There are many biological causes of infertility, some of which may be bypassed with medical intervention. A majority of cases are caused by genetics and are not preventable. Female Infertility Problem is rising. Alarmingly all over the world, probably due to changing life style. Now a day’s life has become fast and competitive, generating a lot of stress that further enhances the risk of developing infertility.

What causes infertility in women?
Most cases of female infertility are caused by problems with ovulation. Without ovulation, there are no eggs to be fertilized. Some signs that a woman is not ovulating normally include irregular or absent menstrual periods.Ovulation problems are often caused by polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). PCOS is a hormone imbalance problem which can interfere with normal ovulation. PCOS is the most common cause of female infertility. Primary ovarian insufficiency (POI) is another cause of ovulation problems. POI occurs when a woman’s ovaries stop working normally before she is 40. POI is not the same as early menopause.

Female Infertility

Less common causes of fertility problems in women include:
  • ·         Blocked fallopian tubes due to pelvic inflammatory disease, endometriosis, or surgery for an ectopic pregnancy
  • ·         Physical problems with the uterus
  • ·         Uterine fibroids, which are non-cancerous clumps of tissue and muscle on the walls of the uterus.
  • ·         The hormonal imbalance like PCOD, hypothyroid.
  • ·         Anovulatory menstrual cycles, poor ovarian reserve.
  • ·         Endometriosis, salpingitis.
  • ·         Pelvic inflammatory disease.
  • ·         STD’s, genital tuberculosis, rubella virus.
  • ·         Cervical obstruction.
  • ·         Diabetics, obesity
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  • ·         What things increase a woman’s risk of infertility?
  • ·         Many things can affect a woman’s ability to have a baby. These include:
  • ·         Age
  • ·         Stress
  • ·         Poor diet
  • ·         Athletic training
  • ·         Being overweight or underweight
  • ·         Tobacco smoking
  • ·         Alcohol
  • ·         Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)
  • ·         Health problems that cause hormonal changes

Primary Infertility: In primary infertility, the couple never been able to conceive a pregnancy after at least 1 year of unprotected intercourse.
Secondary Infertility: In secondary infertility, couples have previously been pregnant at least once, but have not been able to achieve another pregnancy.

Blood tests to rule out hormone-like serve prolactin estrogen, FSH, TSH, AMH, to know STD’s.
HSG: to know the tubal blockage.
Diagnostic laparoscopy, pap sear.
Usg-pelvis, for PCOD, follicular study.