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Monday 8 May 2017

Hormonal Evaluations In Hyderabad

Hormonal Evaluations In Hyderabad

Hormonal Evaluations: Hectic lifestyle, stress may cause a disturbance in the biological clock in many women. Mostly during menopause hormone imbalance is seen. But nowadays it has been quite common to come across among 25 years women also. Women may experience weight gain, PCOS (POLYCYSTIC OVARIAN SYNDROME), fatigue, sleeplessness, thyroid problems.

Through basic hormone tests like:

Hormonal Evaluations

Follicular Stimulating Hormone [ FSH ] – Done on Day 2/ 3  of  menses
Luteinizing Hormone [ LH ] – Day 2/3 of menses
Estradiol [ E2] – done on Day 2/3 of menses
Thyroid profile
Other necessary blood work screening
Anti-Mullerian Hormone test  [ is a hormone produced by granulosa cells. To check quantity of eggs]
Antral follicle Count – done on Day 2 of menses through a pelvic ultrasound scan. enables to count small growing follicles called Antral Follicle Count. Indicates to check the ovarian Reserve in women.

These preliminary investigations can completely help to assess the difficulty conceiving for most of the sub-fertile women. Based on the results of all the investigations the right line of treatment is prepared.


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