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Monday 8 May 2017

Reproductive Surgeries For Infertility In Hyderabad

 Reproductive Surgeries For Infertility In Hyderabad

Reproductive Surgeries – We at Ferty9 hospital provide treatments for both male and female disorders in the eproductive system.

In few men after history taking and examination disorder can be analyzed in any part including scrotum, testicles, epididymis and ejaculatory ducts. Any of the above can hinder the chances of attaining parenthood.
 Reproductive Surgeries

Our treatment Options:
  1. Evaluation of Azoospermic men.
  2. Surgical retrieval of sperms through MESA / PESA method if there is blockage epididymis. The sperms retrieved through this method have further proceeded with ICSI procedure
  3. Surgical retrieval of sperms through TESA / TESE method, the retrieved sperms are further used for ICSI treatment.
  4. Treatment for varicose veins
  5. Hernia and also other problems related to blockage Vas deferens